VR vision disorder simulation

VR vision disorder simulation

This project explores and simulates the vision of several visual impairments such as colorblindness and binocular disparities.

Color vision deficiency

Color vision deficiency

In the first phase, I devised chromatic adjustment algorithms using computer vision to simulate this condition. Next, I confirmed my hypothesis by combining optics with AI to develop a system to mimic human interactions during a colorblindness test with 90% accuracy. In the second phase, I programmed simulation models into VR environments to visualize my research findings.

Binocular rivalry

Static rivalry Dynamic rivalry

The human visual system perceives the world by combining information received from the convergence of two eyes and infer three-dimensional cues such as depth. In the second phase, we demonstrate a virtual reality system that breaks the inherent binocular redundancy by projecting two different dynamic and static contents to each eye.


This technique harnesses mathematical optical simulation for a realistic VR representation of Color Vision Deficiency. Its potential stretches beyond mere simulation; it can be reverse-engineered for enhanced color perception in humans. Additionally, by altering binocular redundancy in VR, we pioneer custom binocular rivalry simulations without physical tools like mirror stereoscopes. This advances binocular disparity experiments, VR accessibility, and paves the way for vision enhancements.

© made with ❤️ by Jack