

UpNote is a startup I co-founded, aiming to transform bar experience by democratizing music for bar goers.


Upvote’s B2B and B2C platform allows bars, restaurants, event organizers and, individuals democratize music playlists and capture data on music preferences. Upvote enables individuals to nominate songs through integration with their music streaming service of choice (e.g. Spotify or Apple Music). Once a song is nominated, other users in the same location can up- or down-vote each song selection to determine which will play next.

UpNote Our booth at a startup competition

Business opportunity

The traditional and digital jukeboxes will be replaced by users’ mobile phones.On users’ end, combined with a voting system, bar goers will have a more interactive experience while reduce bar fights over music. On bar owners’ end, they no longer need to spend thousands of dollars on jukebox while play the music the customers like.

© made with ❤️ by Jack